
University of Applied Arts Vienna, Design History and Theory

Dr Maja Lorbek (principal investigator) studied architecture at TU Graz and completed her PhD at TU Wien. She worked as a lecturer at TU Wien and project coordinator at the Leibniz-Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Research (IOER) in Dresden. Currently, she leads the research project „Transnational School Construction“ funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) at the Department of Design History and Theory, University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her research interests include the material, socio-cultural and mediated co-production of the built environment, transnational history of post-war school architecture and flexibility concepts in architecture.
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National project partners

TU Wien, Research Area History of Art

Dr Oliver Sukrow studied art history at Greifswald/Germany, Salzburg/Austria, and Colchester/UK. He holds a PhD in art history from the University of Heidelberg/Germany. Between 2016 – 2020, he worked as Assistant Professor at the Research Unit History of Art at TU Wien. Since 2020, he has been a postdoc research associate and, since 2021, national research partner of the FWF project „Transnational School Construction „. He is a member of the project-related advisory board of the Wüstenrot Stiftung.

Architekturzentrum Wien

Dr Monika Platzer studied art history at the University of Vienna. She has worked at the Architekturzentrum Wien since 1998, where she is Head of the Az W Collection and Curator. She has managed numerous international research and exhibition projects, including „Cold War and Architecture. Contributions to Austria’s Democratisation after 1945 „, „Vienna. The Pearl of the Reich“. Planning for Hitler, „a_show. Austrian Architecture in the 20th and 21st Centuries“, „Lessons from Bernard Rudofsky“, „Shaping the Great City, Modern Architecture in Central Europe 1890–1937“, „Kinetism. Vienna discovers the Avant-garde“. Taught at the University of Vienna, the University of Technology in Graz and TU Wien, 2004-2021 editor of icamprint, the journal for members of the International Confederation of Architectural Museums; 2014 Visiting Scholar at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University; current research is on the subject of transnational architecture history.


Mag. phil Susanne Rick studied art history at the University of Vienna and University College Dublin. She is a PhD candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. In her PhD-project, she explores the transnational practice of Austrian architects in countries of the Non-Aligned Movement in the geopolitical context of the Cold War. Currently, she is working as the research associate for the „Transnational School Construction“ project. Her research interests include transnational cultural history, postcolonial studies, middle eastern studies, and contemporary art.