History of education seminar / UCL International Centre for Historical Research in Education London
Cornelia Dinsleder, Maja Lorbek: Constructing schools: examples of multilateral solutions in the 20th and 21st centuries
, 5:30PM – 7:00PM
Hybrid | Online- via Zoom & Room 731, IOE building, 20 Bedford Way


Maja Lorbek, visiting fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History Ljubljana in February 2024,  lecture on 14 February 2024, title:
New Schools for New Education. Multilateralism and School Construction, 1944 – 1970



Workshop: Toward a Multifaceted History of Architecture and Internationalism 16-17 November 2023 Ibrahim Ahmed Room, Reed Hall, the University of Exeter, organised by Dr Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi at the University of Frankfurt um Maine and Dr Maziyar Ghiabi at the University of Exeter
Presentation Maja Lorbek: Yugoslav School Reform 1953-1965: Exploring the Material and Spatial Base of New Education


Maja Lorbek: Reforms and Regulations. Regulatory Regimes in Postwar School Building Programs
ISCHE 44 – Budapest,Histories of Education and Reform:,Traditions, Tensions and Transitions,18 – 21 July 2023 | Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary


Maja Lorbek: Schulen bauen 1951-1979
Fritz-Schumacher-Gesellschaft Hamburg, Vortrag „Schulen bauen 1951-1979“, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe „Forderung der Zeit. Bildung.“


Maja Lorbek: Schulen konstruieren: auf der Suche nach multilateralen Lösungen 1951-1979
LEA Symposium «Lernräume kooperativ entwickeln», 3./4. November 2022 PH Luzern
LEA Symposium «Lernräume kooperativ entwickeln»


Maja Lorbek, Susanne Rick
UIA Working Group on Education: Expanding Educational Spaces 1970-1978
Seventh International Conference of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN)
Session S12 – Non-Aligned Narratives – South and Eastern European Architectural Criticism during the Cold War
15 June – 19 June 2022 Madrid
EAHN 2022 Madrid


Maja Lorbek
Architectural Historiography: Expanding the Areas, Appropriating the Digital, presentation at the international conference Digital Art History III Methods, Practices, Epistemologies,

12th-13th October 2021 Zagreb, Croatia, organised by Institute of Art History, Zagreb and SRCE – University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre


Maja Lorbek: book proposal and manuscript

The book investigates design, regulation and technology in post-war school construction. The history of the UIA School Buildings Commission from 1951 to 1979 is complemented by an exploration of UNESCO’s technical assistance programme in Yugoslavia (1953-1958), the impact of OECD educational planning on school building strategies in Yugoslavia and Austria in the 1960s, and a discussion of modular coordination in school design using case studies from Mexico, Morocco, the GDR, Switzerland, Austria and Yugoslavia. The epilogue reflects on the main lessons of internationalist approaches to school building and educational planning, considering the implications for contemporary educational spaces. By adopting a transnational history approach and using visual methods, the book tracks the intersection of 19th-century mass education traditions with the concepts of prewar New Education and the 1960s manpower planning. This book argues that the architects* of the internationalist schoolbuilding, while acknowledging the educational ideals of their time, developed an autonomous approach – using regulation, standardisation, prefabrication and multifunctional design – to create a surplus of non-iconic, adaptable and cost-efficient educational spaces around the world.

*Architects in a metaphorical sense—referring to educators, national administrators, experts and consultants from international organizations—and, last but not least, architects in the literal sense.

Maja Lorbek: The Hallenschule. Decoding Transnational Standards in the Austrian Setting. In: Feiersinger E, Kaiser G, Ruff G, et al. (eds) Geometrien des Lebens: Materialien zu Viktor Hufnagl (1922–2007). Zürich: Park Books, 2022, pp. 19–26.

download green open access version:

Park Books


Oliver Sukrow
Leitartikel: „Bildungs(t)räume“, in: Daniel Bartetzko, Karin Berkemann, Maximilian Kraemer, Oliver Sukrow, Alexandra Vinzenz, Arne Herbote, & Dina Dorothea Falbe. (2021): Moderne bildet – Schulbauten in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. moderne regional, 21(4)


LEITARTIKEL: Bildungs(t)räume